On call physiotherapy

Best Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Center in tagore garden
April 26, 2024
Physiotherapy in Rajori
May 11, 2024

On call physiotherapy

Our world is constantly changing and we have to adapt accordingly to keep up. Even the methods involved in Physiotherapy have been evolved with the adapting world. This is the reason why the Physiotherapy Department of Fisio Heal Clinic has also adapted to become a Multi-Speciality Rehab department. Our center is designed uniquely to cater to IT professional’s postural and spinal issues with advanced treatment techniques and pain management modalities. We have a special Ergonomics Demo room, where every patient understands his/her spine, learns workplace adjustments according to individual need through Audio-Visual feedback and thereafter enroll for Pain management programmes followed by graded Exercises sessions.

  Our center is a central facility to reach all IT companies to provide physiotherapy facilities at their desk for the convenience of the employee and improve his/her health efficiency. We aim to assist the patient to recover normal physical or higher functions and return to everyday activities at home and work. The physiotherapy facility in Ruby Hall Clinic started in the year 2008. Today, we provide a combination of comprehensive and holistic approaches of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy to all Critical Care, Wards, Out-patient, and Extended Rehab services to achieve Rehabilitation goals. We believe in treating the individual as a whole determining the root cause to provide the correct course of treatment using a collaborative approach to restore fitness and promote an active lifestyle.

  Along with the rehabilitation program, centre is well equipped with gym facilities by well trained certified separate gym instructors. Gym membership includes diet counselling by a dietician, weight management, fitness training with advance fat loss machine. We admit the patients for Rehabilitation.

Purpose Of Physiotherapy

A nearby physiotherapist treats patients with musculoskeletal issues. The professional has a special set of skills and information. The vast majority of these doctors work in the medical industry.

Benefits of Physiotherapy can also help in cardiac rehabilitation, pediatrics, orthopedics, and wound care. Finding the best therapist could be aided by a thorough consultation.

Chiropractors make the greatest physiotherapists for musculoskeletal issues. You can get a customized experience in a treatment center or in a private setting. To acquire top-notch care, make sure you collaborate with an expert.

Physiotherapists are also perceived as teachers. They inform patients on the challenges and protective measures associated with their diseases. A therapist can provide guidance on appropriate recreational pursuits as well.

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